Never-Played Symphony
You can play this game at home! After all of Morrissey's singles were released from 2004's You Are The Quarry and 2005's Live At Earls Court concert album, I organized the thirteen(!) b-sides to constitute an album in their own right. The accordian-like structure compliments the title of this collection: Vera Icon. I know that those who can create this mix-cd with the singles they purchased will find it was worth the expense:
Vera Icon
1. "Noise Is the Best Revenge"
2. "It's Hard to Walk Tall When You're Small"
3. "I Am Two People"
4. "The Teenage Dad on His Estate"
5. "The Public Image"
6. "Don't Make Fun of Daddy's Voice"
7. "The Never-Played Symphonies"
8. "Slum Mums"
9. "My Life Is an Endless Succession of People Saying Goodbye"
10. "Subway Train/Munich Air Disaster 1958"
11. "Friday Mourning"
12. "Mexico"
13. "No One Can Hold a Candle to You"